Multimedia FAQ

Where can I find ___.mid Star Wars midi?

That’s easy- check in our Star Wars midis page. If you don’t find what you are looking for there, post in the comments below (or on that page).

Troops FAQ

What is a Droideka (battle droid)?

To make up for the weaknesses of battle droids, a special contract was awarded for the creation of an altogether different combat droid that wuold be a much more serious weapon. The design was created by a species of chitinous Colicoids in their own image on a planet far from the Republic’s core. Colicoids are known for their completely unfeeling and murderous ways, and Colla IV has been embroiled for many years in diplomatic disputes related to the death and consumption of visitors to the system. The droideka was exactly what concerned Trade Federation officers wanted; a formidable heavy-duty killing machine to back up the battle droids in the face of determined opposition.

Books FAQ

What order should I read the Star Wars Books?

Here is the short answer: check out our Star Wars books timeline which figures most of the Star Wars books, except for the most recent. I will have a longer answer soon, because the answer to this question may be different for different people. Really short answer: In general, I tell people to start with […]

Multimedia FAQ

Where can I find ___.wav Star Wars sound?

That’s easy- check in our Star Wars sounds page. If you don’t find what you are looking for there, post in the comments below (or on that page).


Star Wars Photo Masher

The Official Star Wars web site just introduced a fantastic new feature for creating “photo mashes”. That is, to mix classic Star Wars photographs with your own personal photographs to create humorous and interesting mashups. Enjoy! I will post my own creations as and when I make them. Of course, there is this:Any original art, […]

Weapons FAQ

What is the Blaster Rifle?

The standard Imperial sidearm is the BlasTech E-11 blaster rifle. This weapon has a three-position stock which allows for optimum bracing during use. Entrenched field troopers typically lock the stock in its fully open position for protracted firing on a constant target point. In full assault or unpredictable situations where agility is key, the stock […]


MTV Movie Award Nominations for Episode III

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith has been nominated for 3 MTV Movie Awards:

Characters FAQ

Who was Bib Fortuna?

Bib Fortuna is a Twi’lek who worked hard to gain his position as Jabba the Hutt’s majordomo. His life started on the hard Twi’lek world of Ryloth.


Dallas Comic Con April 29-30

If you are in the Dallas area- or could plan to be- next weekend, on the 29th and 30th of April, you have to take yourself to the Dallas Comic Con. Besides Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) and Star Wars comic artist Howard Chaykin, there will be many comic book creators and celebrities, plus a large […]

Species FAQ

What are Space Slugs?

Escaping Imperial fighters, Han Solo flies his Millenium Falcon into a cave- before the famous words “This is no cave.” are uttered. They were, in fact, in the belly of a Space Slug. Worm-like creatures growing as large as 900 meters, space slugs inhabit deep caverns on larger asteroids near the planet Hoth. It has […]

Species FAQ

What are Tauntauns?

Luke and Han ride the grand Llama-like Tauntauns in the snow on Hoth.

Species FAQ

What are Sand People (Tusken Raiders)?

The Tusken Raiders play a huge role in the Star Wars films. They change the course of Anakin’s pod race, they play a pivotal role in his turn to the dark side and later also inadvertantly help Luke meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Species FAQ

What is the Sarlacc?

In Return of the Jedi, Jabba orders Han, Luke and Chewbacca to be executed by having them thrown into the Sarlacc pitt. An omnivorous, multi-tentacled creature with a worm-like beak and needle-sharp teeth, the Sarlacc lives at the bottom of a deep sand hole called the Great Pit of Carkoon in the wastelands of the […]

Species FAQ

What are Kaadu?

Kaadu are those large beasts that the Gungans ride into battle. Kaadu were domesticated long ago by the Gungans who then lived on the surface of Naboo. They are primarily adapted for land-dwelling but can also breathe under water for long periods. Kaadu decorated with giant feathers serve as agile mounts for Gungan soldiers and […]

Locations FAQ

What are the Echo Base and Hoth?

The remote ice world of Hoth conceals the secret Echo Base, a Rebel stronghold built after the evacuation of the base on Yavin IV. The planet is uninhabitable except for a temperate band circling its equator, consisting mostly of tundra. The Rebel Base is located on the northern edge of this band, amidst snowy mountains. […]